Solidago leiocarpa DC. in DC. & A. DC.
Family: Asteraceae
Cutler's Goldenrod
[Solidago cutleri Fernald]
not available

Stems 5-35 cm from a branched caudex, hirtellous-puberulent in the infl; lvs basally disposed, the larger ones mostly oblanceolate or spatulate to elliptic, rounded to acute, toothed, 2-15 cm נ5-40 mm; infl few-headed and corymbiform, or more elongate and leafy-bracteate in larger plants; invol 5-8(-9) mm, glabrous or finely atomiferous-glandular, its bracts firm, strongly imbricate, obtuse or merely acutish; fls 30-50 per head, the rays 10-13; achenes hairy. Alpine situations; Me. to N.Y.

Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.

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