Lomatium mohavense (Coult. & Rose) Coult. & Rose
Family: Apiaceae
Mojave Desert-Parsley,  more...
Lomatium mohavense image

Plant: perennial plant 1-4 dm, densely grayish short-hairy; taproot long, often thickened; stem ± 0; base fibrous

Leaves: petiole 2-12 cm, > blade; blade 2-10 cm, oblong to ovate, 3-4-pinnately dissected, segments 2-5 mm, linear-oblong to obovate, ± crowded

INFLORESCENCE: umbels compound, peduncled, finely hairy; peduncle 8-22 cm; bractlets 8-12, 2-4 mm, linear to linear-lanceolate, acute, free or fused basally, scarious-margined, often obscured by hairs; rays 8-18, 1-5 cm, spreading-ascending, unequal; pedicels 1-10 mm

Flowers: small, few; calyx lobes generally 0; petals wide, yellow or purple, glabrous, tips narrowed; stamens 5; pistil 1, ovary inferior, 2-chambered

Fruit: 2 dry, 1-seeded halves that separate from each other but generally remain attached for some time to a central axis, very compressed front-to-back, 4.5-11 mm, ovate to round, ± glabrous to densely short-hairy; wings = to > body in width; marginal ribs widely to narrowly thin or thick-winged, others thread-like; oil tubes per rib-interval 1-4; fruit axis divided to base; Seed: face flat to concave

Misc: Desert flats, slopes, summits, scrub, or woodland; 1000-2000 m.; Apr-May

Lomatium mohavense image
Lomatium mohavense image
Lomatium mohavense image
Lomatium mohavense image
Lomatium mohavense image
(c) Missouri Botanical Garden