Ammoselinum giganteum Coult. & Rose
Family: Apiaceae
western sandparsley,  more...
Ammoselinum giganteum image
UA Herbarium  

Plant: Plant 1-2 dm, annual, taprooted

Leaves: petiole entirely sheathing, 3-8 mm; blade 1.5-2.5 cm, obovate, segments 4-13 mm, linear, glabrous or roughened

INFLORESCENCE: peduncles 0-4 cm; rays 4-8, 0-2 cm; pedicels 1-10, 0-8 mm

Flowers: many, small; calyx lobes 0; petals 5, ovate, white, tips obtuse, not narrowed, not incurved; stamens 5; pistil 1, ovary inferior, 2-chambered, generally with a ± conic, persistent projection or platform on top subtending 2 free styles

Fruit: 2 dry, 1-seeded halves that separate from each other but generally remain attached for some time to a central axis, 3-5 mm, oblong-ovate, compressed side-to-side; ribs corky, sharply scabrous; oil tubes per rib-interval 1-3; fruit axis notched at tip; Seed: face flat to concave

Misc: Heavy soil under shrubs; ± 400 m.; Mar-Apr

Ammoselinum giganteum image
UA Herbarium  
Ammoselinum giganteum image
Steve Matson