Apiastrum angustifolium Nutt.
Family: Apiaceae
Mock Parsley
Apiastrum angustifolium image
Brent Miller  

Plant: Annual, 5-50 cm, taprooted; stem much-branched throughout, ribbed, hollow

Leaves: mostly cauline, opposite or alternate; petiole 2-4 cm; petiole base generally sheathing stem; blade 1-5 cm, round, finely ternately dissected, segments 5-25 mm, linear to oblong

INFLORESCENCE: umbels compound, peduncled or not, from axils or opposite upper leaves; bracts, bractlets 0; rays 2-3, pedicels few, both unequal, spreading

Flowers: many, small; calyx lobes 0; petals wide, white, tip acute, not incurved; ovary inferior, 2-chambered; projection atop ovary flat to barely conic; stamens 5; pistil 1, ovary inferior, 2-chambered

Fruit: 2 dry, 1-seeded halves that separate from each other but generally remain attached for some time to a central axis, 1-1.5 mm, elliptic-cordate, compressed side-to-side, papillate-roughened to becoming glabrous; ribs thread-like; oil tubes per rib-interval 1; fruit axis divided to base; Seed: face concave

Misc: Chaparral, coastal scrub, etc.; 0-1500 m.

Apiastrum angustifolium image
Brent Miller  
Apiastrum angustifolium image
Brent Miller  
Apiastrum angustifolium image
Keir Morse  
Apiastrum angustifolium image
Keir Morse  
Apiastrum angustifolium image
Keir Morse  
Apiastrum angustifolium image
Keir Morse  
Apiastrum angustifolium image
Keir Morse  
Apiastrum angustifolium image
Barry Breckling  
Apiastrum angustifolium image
Gary A. Monroe  
Apiastrum angustifolium image
Gary A. Monroe