Melica smithii (Porter ex A. Gray) Vasey (redirected from: Schizachne smithii)
Family: Poaceae
[Avena smithii Porter ex A. Gray,  more...]
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Culms 5-15 dm; lvs soft, scabrous or short- hairy at least above, 5-15 mm wide; sheaths retrorsely scabrous; infl few-fld, with a few divergent (eventually deflexed) branches bearing a few spikelets toward the summit; pedicels densely antrorse- hispid; spikelets green or often purplish, 12-20 mm; 3-6-fld; lemmas and glumes lanceolate, acute, sharply but finely veined; lemmas bifid at the tip, bearing an erect awn 2-5 mm; sterile lemma(s) similar but smaller. Moist hardwood forests; n. Mich. and adj. Ont.; Mont. and Wyo. to Wash. and Oreg.

Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.

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