Eryngium heterophyllum Engelm.
Family: Apiaceae
Wright's Eryngo
[Eryngium wrightii A. Gray]
Eryngium heterophyllum image
Kearney and Peebles 1969

Duration: Perennial

Nativity: Native

Lifeform: Forb/Herb

General: Herbaceous perennials from a cylindric taproot; stems stout, erect, simple to branching, somewhat striated; herbage glabrous, light grayish green to silvery in color.

Leaves: Basal rosette and alternate cauline leaves; lower cauline leaves pinnatifid to bipinnatisect; basal leaves pinnatisect to spinose-serrate.

Flowers: Small, whitish, clustered in dense bracteate heads which are in turn arranged in open, long-peduncled panicles. Bracts subtending the heads are yellowish above, lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, 12-25 mm long, entire or with 1-2 pairs of lateral spines near the middle; floral bractlets subtending each small flower are usually entire; calyx lobes lanceolate to ovate, obtuse or acute; corollas white or bluish white.

Fruits: Capsule splitting into 2 single seeded mericarps, ovoid, flattened laterally, covered with hyaline scales or tubercules, the ribs obsolete, with several inconspicuous oil tubes. Seed faces flat.

Ecology: Found on plains and along water courses, from 4,000-6,500 ft (1219-1981 m); flowering August-October.

Distribution: se AZ, s NM, w TX, south to n MEX.

Notes: The dense ovoid heads of flowers, superficially resembling Ranunculaceae, along with the prominent, spiky-looking, lateral, subtending bracts make this species stand out. A good indicator for this species are the pinnatifid to bipinnatisect stem leaves that lack spines (if stem leaves spinose-serrate, the species is likely E. lemmoni).

Ethnobotany: There is no use recorded for this species, but other species in this genus have uses.

Etymology: Eryngium is derived from the Greek word erungos for thistle, alluding to the spiny leaves that characterize this genus; heterophyllum means means that the leaves are different on the same plant.

Synonyms: Eryngium altamiranoi, Eryngium confusum, Eryngium endlichii, Eryngium medium, Eryngium wrightii

Editor: LCrumbacher 2012, AHazelton 2015

Eryngium heterophyllum image
Eryngium heterophyllum image
Gene Sturla  
Eryngium heterophyllum image
Gene Sturla  
Eryngium heterophyllum image
Eryngium heterophyllum image
Eryngium heterophyllum image
Eryngium heterophyllum image
Eryngium heterophyllum image
Eryngium heterophyllum image
Eryngium heterophyllum image
Eryngium heterophyllum image
Eryngium heterophyllum image
Eryngium heterophyllum image
Eryngium heterophyllum image