Nama stenocarpa A. Gray
Family: Boraginaceae
Mud Fiddleleaf
[Nama stenocarpum A. Gray]
not available

Plant: annual, short-soft-silky-hairy and short-glandular-hairy; some hairs stiff and swollen at base; stem prostrate to ascending, freely branched, 8-40 cm

Leaves: 5-30 mm, cauline, generally alternate, simple, oblanceolate, oblong, or spoon-shaped, margins wavy, generally slightly rolled under; base generally slightly clasping stem; petiole 0(-3) mm

INFLORESCENCE: pedicels < or = 5 mm

Flowers: bisexual, generally radial; sepals 3-6 mm (-9 mm in fruit), oblanceolate to spoon-shaped, generally bristly; corolla 4-6 mm, ± funnel-shaped, white to cream, limb 3-5 mm diam, lobes 1-2 mm, 2-3 mm wide; stamens 2-4 mm, attached 0.5-1.5 mm above corolla base, filament generally toothed at attachment point; ovary partly inferior, styles 1-2 mm, generally fused at base

Fruit: capsule, 3-9 mm, generally loculicidal, ovoid to elliptic; Seeds generally many, ± 0.5 mm, irregularly angled, tan to brown; surface honeycombed

Misc: Intermittently wet areas; < 500 m.