Rosa nitida Willd. (redirected from: Rosa rubrispina)
Family: Rosaceae
[Rosa rubrispina Bosc ex Poir.]
not available

Slender colonial shrub to 1 m; infrastipular and internodal prickles scarcely differentiated, the latter usually very abundant, all straight and slender, rising from a slightly flattened base rarely more than a fifth as long as the prickle; stipules usually widened distally, conspicuously glandular-ciliate or glandular-dentate; lf-rachis and lower lf surface commonly glabrous, sometimes sparsely villosulous; lfls 7 or usually 9, narrowly elliptic to oblong, finely serrate, the teeth mostly distinctly antrorse and avg ca 0.5 mm high; fls 1-3; pedicels and hypanthium stipitate-glandular; sep, pet and hips as in no. 11 [Rosa palustris Marshall]; 2n=14. Moist or wet soil; Nf. and s. Que. to Conn.

Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.

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