Malaxis abieticola Salazar & Soto Arenas (redirected from: Malaxis tenuis)
Family: Orchidaceae
[Malaxis tenuis (S. Wats.) Ames]
Malaxis abieticola image
P O'Byran  

Plants 11-25 cm. Pseudobulbs 5-10 mm diam. Leaves 1, usually near middle of stem; blade bright green, glossy, elliptic to broadly ovate, keeled abaxially, 3-8 × 1.4-4.4 cm, base cordate to truncate, apex rounded to obtuse. Inflorescences racemes, 2.6-8 cm; floral bracts triangular, 0.8-1.2 mm, apex acute; pedicels not crowded, 7-11 mm. Flowers 13-63, resupinate, green to greenish yellow; dorsal sepal light geen, lanceolate, 4-6 × 0.9-2 mm, apex acuminate; lateral sepals distinct or sometimes connate to middle, light green edged in dark green, lanceolate, falcate, 4-6 × 0.9-2 mm, apex acuminate; petals filiform to filiform-linear, falcate, 3.5-4.5 × 0.2-0.3 mm, apex rounded; lip triangular-lanceolate, concave abaxially, 3-4.2 × 1.5-2 mm, base slightly cordate, apex long-acuminate to attenuate; disc with 2 broad green, low, longitudinal ridges; column 0.6-0.9 × 0.6-0.9 mm; pollinia orange. Capsules subhorizontal, ellipsoid, 12 × 3 mm.

Flowering summer--early fall. In humus of pine and fir forests on dry slopes; 2000 m; Ariz., N.Mex.; Mexico.

Malaxis abieticola image
P O'Byran  
Malaxis abieticola image
New York Botanical Garden  
Malaxis abieticola image
P O'Byrne  
Malaxis abieticola image
New York Botanical Garden