Sclerocactus johnsonii (Parry ex Engelm.) N.P. Taylor (redirected from: Ferocactus johnsonii)
Family: Cactaceae
[Echinocactus johnsonii Parry ex Engelm.,  more...]
Sclerocactus johnsonii image

Plant: Stems generally 1, 10-25 cm, 5-10 cm diam, ovoid to cylindric; ribs 17-21, prominent; tubercles distinct

Leaves: spines yellow or pink to reddish, central 4-8, radial 9-10

Flowers: solitary, bisexual, sessile, ± radial, 5-8 cm diam, greenish yellow, pink, or magenta; ovary scaly; scaly

Fruit: 7-15 mm, 3-5 mm diam, becoming dry, scaly; scales widely cordate, ciliate; Seed reniform, tubercled, black

Misc: Granitic areas, creosote-bush scrub; 500-1200 m.; Apr-May

Stems 10-25 × 7-15 cm; ribs (13-)18-21; areoles (14-)21-26 mm apart along ribs; areolar glands present at least seasonally. Spines 13-24 per areole, pale yellow to grayish lavender to maroon; radial spines 9-16 per areole; abaxial (shortest) radial spine 6-19 × (0.2-)0.4-0.6 mm; adaxial and lateral (longest) radial spines ca. 27-40 mm; central spines 4-9 per areole, present at all ages, 27-41 × (0.7-)1.1-1.4 mm; longest central spine straight to strongly decurved; abaxial central spine porrect, ca. 27-40 mm Flowers 4-6.5 × 4-7.7 cm; inner tepals yellow or pink to magenta, basal portions blotched with maroon , 2.5-3.7 × 1-1.8 cm; stigma lobes yellowish white to green. Fruits dehiscent only along single, longitudinal split, ± spheric, 17-18 mm. 2n = 22.

Flowering (Feb-)Mar-May; fruiting Apr-Jun. Mojave desert scrub and upper edge of Sonoran desert scrub, rocky slopes, gravelly hills; 500-1400 m; Ariz., Calif., Nev., Utah.

Echinomastus johnsonii varies geographically in both flower and spine color. The yellow-flowered plants have been named E. johnsonii var. lutescens. The pink-flowered plants occur in separate populations, as far as is known, to the north of the yellow-flowered plants, but the interface between the two forms is poorly understood.

Sclerocactus johnsonii image
Sclerocactus johnsonii image
Sclerocactus johnsonii image
Bethany Lund  
Sclerocactus johnsonii image
Bethany Lund  
Sclerocactus johnsonii image
Bethany Lund  
Sclerocactus johnsonii image
Sclerocactus johnsonii image
Sclerocactus johnsonii image
Sclerocactus johnsonii image