Lycopodiella caroliniana (L.) Pic. Serm. (redirected from: Lycopodium carolinianum var. carolinianum)
Family: Lycopodiaceae
[Lycopodiella caroliniana var. caroliniana (L.) Pic. Serm.,  more...]
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Horizontal stems flat in cross section, evergreen, tightly anchored by roots, year's growth 3--12 X 0.9--1.1 cm; leaves 3.5--6 X 1.2--2 mm, facing upward, spreading and appearing 2-ranked, broadly adnate, slightly subulate, median leaves 3.5--4 X 0.3--0.6 mm, nearly erect. Peduncle 1--(2--3), 5--30 cm, leaves 2--3 X 0.3--0.6 mm, in remote appressed pseudowhorls. Strobilus 1.5--9 X 0.3--0.5 mm. 2 n = 70, 140.

Wet meadows, ditches, pinewoods, and bogs, often with sphagnum moss; 0--50 m; Ala., Del., Fla., Ga., Ky., La., Md., Mass., Miss., N.J., N.Y., N.C., Pa., S.C., Tex., Va.; Mexico; Central America; South America; Asia; Africa.

Prostrate stems creeping and rooting, to 10 cm, branched, ca 1 mm thick, dorsiventral, with 6-ranked lvs, the 2 lower (seemingly lateral) ranks spreading, lance-ovate, 3-7 נ1.3-2.1 mm, acuminate, entire, the 4 upper ranks erect, much smaller, lanceolate, 2.5-5 נ0.7-1.2 mm, attenuate; erect stems 1-3 dm, terete, ca 1 mm thick, the lvs scattered, equal, bract- like, linear-subulate, 3-5 mm, ascending or appressed; cones solitary, 2-12 cm, 5-7 mm thick; sporophylls yellowish-green, broad-based, with subulate spreading tip; sporangia subglobose, 1-1.3 mm wide; spores with smooth commissural faces, otherwise as in no. 6 [Lycopodium inundatum L.]; 2n=156. Bogs and sandy pine-barrens in acid soil; Mass. and L.I. to Fla. and Tex., mainly on the coastal plain, and interruptedly pantropical.

Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.

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