Galium uncinulatum DC.
Family: Rubiaceae
Bristly Bedstraw
[Galium nelsonii ,  more...]
Galium uncinulatum image
Valerie Soza  

Plant: perennial herb; Prostrate or sprawling, not woody above ground, sparsely and softly hairy. STEMS to 60 cm long, slender, with long internodes

Leaves: 4 per node, 6-30 mm long, elliptic to ovate, 3-veined, narrowed to a short petiole, apiculate

Flowers: perfect, in axillary and terminal, few-flowered, very open cymes, the pedicles and peduncles slender; corolla campanulate to rotate, glabrous, the lobes acute, yellowish or greenish

Fruit: with uncinate hairs; pedicels elongating to 12 mm, straight but sharply downturned just below fruit

Misc: Wet canyons, woodlands; 1850-2150 m (6000-7000 ft); Jun-Aug

REFERENCES: Dempster, Lauramay T. 1995. Rubiaceae. J. Ariz. - Nev. Sci. 29(l): 29.