Gomphrena globosa L.
Family: Amaranthaceae
Common Globe-Amaranth,  more...
Gomphrena globosa image
Kurt Stueber  

Plants annual, not cespitose, 3-10 dm; roots fibrous. Stems erect, pilose-strigose. Leaves: petiole 0.5-2 cm; blade green, oblong to ovate, 2-10 × 0.5-5 cm, apex acute, villous. Inflorescences: heads white, yellow, red, or purple, globose, 20-28 mm diam.; bractlets crested along keel. Flowers: tube densely lanate; perianth lobes white to pink, lance-subulate, 4.4-5.2 mm, chartaceous, apex acuminate. Utricles oblong, 2 mm, apex acute. Seeds 1.5 mm.

Flowering summer-fall. Waste grounds; 10-500 m; introduced; La., N.J., N.Y., Pa., S.C., Tex., Va.; native of s Asia; widely escaped from cultivation.

A branching annual to 1 m, with terminal, colored heads 2-2.5 cm thick, and with very woolly fls, occasionally escapes from cult.

Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.

©The New York Botanical Garden. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Gomphrena globosa image
Kurt Stueber  
Gomphrena globosa image
Kurt Stueber  
Gomphrena globosa image
Kai Yan, Joseph Wong  
Gomphrena globosa image
Kai Yan, Joseph Wong  
Gomphrena globosa image
Kai Yan, Joseph Wong  
Gomphrena globosa image
Kai Yan, Joseph Wong