Iresine palmeri Standl.
Family: Amaranthaceae
Palmer's Bloodleaf
[Hebanthe palmeri S.Watson]
not available

Shrubs or vines, at least 3 dm. Stems sometimes scandent or decumbent, woody nearly throughout, scabrous. Leaves opposite; blade lanceolate, narrowly ovate, or lance-oblong, 12-60 × 5-17 cm, glabrous. Inflorescences: pistillate plants with panicles 2.5-6 cm; bracts and bracteoles ± equaling tepals; staminate plants not seen. Flowers: tepals green, oval, 1-1.4 mm, herbaceous, apex obtuse, pilose. Utricles exserted, subglobose, 1.7 mm, apex truncate. Seeds 1 mm.

Flowering spring. Palm woods; 0-10 m; Tex.; Mexico.