Dyschoriste schiedeana var. decumbens (A.Gray) J.Henrickson (redirected from: Dyschoriste decumbens)
Family: Acanthaceae
[Calophanes decumbens A. Gray,  more...]
Dyschoriste schiedeana var. decumbens image

General: Erect and sprawling to decumbent canescent herb or shrub with woody, square stems, branching from the base. Leaves: Sub-sessile, borne in tightly bunched clusters, well-spaced along the stems, becoming more crowded apically, leaves dark green, spatulate to oblanceolate, 2-4 cm long, to 1 cm wide. Flowers: Blue to violet, darker in color inside the throat, corollas bilabiate but appearing to have 5 small lobes, borne in axillary, few-flowered clusters (sometimes singular), the 4 stamens exserted and protruding beyond the surrounding flowers and leaves when mature. Fruits: Narrowly oblong capsule with 2-4 seeds, usually included in a persistent calyx. Seeds mucilaginous when wetted. Ecology: Found on dry soils on plains, mesas, and foothills, from 4,000-5,500 ft (1219-1676 m); flowers April-October. Distribution: Ranges from the southwestern United States south through central Mexico Notes: Stems and leaves feel coarse to the touch due to the trichomes covering the plant. Ethnobotany: Unknown Etymology: Unknown  Sources: Daniel 1984, Kearney and Peebles, 1969, Shreve and Wiggins, 1964