Chorizanthe fimbriata Nutt.
Family: Polygonaceae
Fringed Spineflower
Chorizanthe fimbriata image
Victoria Marshall  

Plants erect to spreading, 1-3(-3.5) × 1-2.5 dm, pubescent and minutely glandular. Leaves basal; petiole 0.5-3(-5) cm; blade elliptic to obovate or spatulate, 1-3(-3.5) × 0.2-1(-2.5) cm, thinly pubes-cent adaxially, sparsely tomentose abaxially. Inflorescences open, reddish; bracts 3 at proximal node, otherwise 2, sessile, scalelike, linear, acicular, often acerose, 0.1-0.5 cm × 0.5-1 mm, awns straight, 1-2 mm. Involucres 1(-5+), reddish or greenish, cylindric, not ventricose, 4-6(-7) mm, finely corrugate, with thin hyaline margins between teeth, sparsely to densely pubescent; teeth divergent, unequal, 3 longer ones 1-3 mm, alternating with 3 shorter ones 0.3-1 mm; awns straight, unequal, 3 longer ones 1-2.5(-3) mm, shorter one (0.3-)0.5-1.5 mm. Flowers exserted; perianth bicolored, with floral tube yellow to yellowish white and tepals white to rose, becoming dark rose to red with age, cylindric, 6-9(-10) mm, glabrous abaxially except for few to several scattered hairs ca. midlength along midribs; tepals connate 1/ 2 their length, monomorphic, oblong, fimbriate to laciniate apically; stamens 9, included; filaments distinct, 3-8 mm, glabrous; anthers pink to red, oblong, 0.5-0.7 mm. Achenes brown, lenticular, 3-4 mm.