Erigeron strigosus Muhl. ex Willd.
Family: Asteraceae
Prairie Fleabane,  more...
Erigeron strigosus image
Steven J. Baskauf  

Annuals, biennials, or short-lived perennials, 30-70 cm; fibrous-rooted, caudices simple, sometimes lignescent, sometimes producing rhizomes that bear leaf tufts at upturned ends. Stems erect or ascending, sparsely to moderately strigose to strigillose or hirsuto-strigillose (hairs usually ascending, rarely spreading, 0.1-1.2 mm), eglandular. Leaves basal (usually persistent through flowering) and cauline; basal blades spatulate to broadly or narrowly oblanceolate to linear, (10-)30-150(-170) × 5-15(-21) mm, cauline usually gradually reduced distally, continuing to near heads, margins entire or shallowly to deeply serrate or crenate, faces glabrous or glabrate to sparsely strigose or strigoso-hirsute, eglandular. Heads 10-200+ in loosely corymbiform to paniculiform-corymbiform arrays (on distal branches). Involucres (2-)3-4 × 5-12 mm. Phyllaries in 2-4 series, glabrous, strigose, or sparsely hirsute, sometimes minutely glandular. Ray florets 50-100; corollas white, less commonly pinkish or bluish, 4-6 mm, laminae coiling. Disc corollas 1.5-2.5 mm (throats sometimes slightly indurate and inflated). Cypselae (0.5-)0.9-1.2 mm, 2-nerved, faces sparsely strigose; pappi: outer crowns of setae or scales, inner 0 (rays) or of 8-15 bristles (disc).

Annual or rarely biennial, 3-7(-12) dm, sparsely leafy, ±hairy, the hairs spreading or usually mostly appressed; basal lvs mostly oblanceolate to elliptic, entire or toothed, not over 15 cm (petiole included) נ2.5 cm; cauline lvs linear to lanceolate, mostly entire; heads several to very many; invol 2-5 mm, obscurely glandular and ±hairy; disk 5-12 mm wide; rays 50-100, white, or occasionally pinkish or bluish, to 6 mm, 0.4-1.0 mm wide, or much reduced; disk-cors 1.5-2.5 mm; pappus as in no. 7 [Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers.]; 2n=18, 27, 36, 54. A weed in disturbed sites over most of the U.S. and s. Can. (E. ramosus) Four vars.

Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.

©The New York Botanical Garden. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Erigeron strigosus image
Steven J. Baskauf  
Erigeron strigosus image
Barry Breckling  
Erigeron strigosus image
Erigeron strigosus image
Steven J. Baskauf  
Erigeron strigosus image
John Hilty  
Erigeron strigosus image
John Hilty  
Erigeron strigosus image
Steven J. Baskauf  
Erigeron strigosus image
Steven J. Baskauf  
Erigeron strigosus image
Barry Breckling  
Erigeron strigosus image
Barry Breckling