Croton wigginsii L.C. Wheeler
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Dune Croton,  more...
Croton wigginsii image

Plant: Shrub or subshrub, < 1 m, dioecious; hairs stellate, scale-like; stems generally erect

Leaves: simple, cauline, alternate; petiole 1-4 cm; blade 2-8.5 cm, narrowly elliptic to linear-oblong, tip rounded to obtuse, margin entire; hairs generally stellate


Flowers: Staminate flower: pedicels 1-5.5(7) mm; sepals generally 5; petals 0; stamens 10-15, filaments hairy, free, bent inward in bud; nectar disk generally divided; Pistillate flower: pedicel < 2 mm, 4-7 mm in fruit; sepals 5, ± 2 mm, entire; petals generally 0; nectar disk entire; ovary 3-chambered, styles 2-lobed, lobes 2-forked

Fruit: capsule; spheric or 3-lobed, smooth or tubercled; Seed 6.5-7 mm, smooth, 1 per chamber; scar appendaged

Misc: Sand dunes; < 100 m.; Mar-May

Croton wigginsii image
Croton wigginsii image
Croton wigginsii image
Croton wigginsii image
Croton wigginsii image
Croton wigginsii image
Jordan Zylstra  
Croton wigginsii image
Croton wigginsii image
Dean Wm. Taylor  
Croton wigginsii image
Jordan Zylstra