Asparagus setaceus (Kunth) Jessop
Family: Asparagaceae
Black Emerald-Fern
[Asparagus plumosus Baker]
Asparagus setaceus image
Tracey Slotta  

Vines, woody, scrambling or climbing to 5 m; roots fibrous. Stems to 4 m, wiry, smooth, branches planate; cladophylls in fascicles of (5-)8-20 per node, filiform, 4-10 × 0.5 mm, ± rigid, with single vein. Leaves membranous, 1-2 mm; blade forming short spine with reflexed apex, base hardened. Inflorescences terminally umbellate, 1-4-flowered. Flowers bisexual, nodding; perianth spreading, campanulate; tepals white, 3-4 × 1-1.5 mm; pedicel 1-3 mm, jointed at or just above base. Berries purplish black, 4-5 mm. Seeds 1-3. 2n = 20.

Flowering spring--summer. Waste places, abandoned gardens; 0--100 m; introduced; Calif., Fla.; s, e Africa.

Asparagus setaceus image
Tracey Slotta  
Asparagus setaceus image
Marie Fourdrigniez