Sesuvium verrucosum Raf.
Family: Aizoaceae
Verrucose Sea-Purslane,  more...
[Sesuvium erectum Correll]
Sesuvium verrucosum image

Plant: Perennial, branched from base, minutely papillate, glabrous, generally papillate; stems many, < 9 dm; nodes not rooting

Leaves: 0.5-4 cm, simple, opposite, linear to widely spoon-shaped, entire; base clasping stem

INFLORESCENCE: flower solitary, axillary, sessile or peduncle short

Flowers: hypanthium obconic; calyx lobes 4-10 mm, margins scarious, hooded or beaked, outer surface papillate; stamens many, filaments fused to midlength, reddish; ovary half-superior, chambers 2-5, placentas axile, styles 2-5, papillate

Fruit: capsule, circumscissile, ovoid to conic, thin-walled, 4-5 mm; Seed 0.8-1 mm, smooth, many, ± reniform, generally smooth, shiny, black or brown; aril present

Misc: Moist or seasonally dry flats, margins of generally saline wetlands; < 1400 m.; Apr-Nov