Stillingia spinulosa Torr.
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Annual Toothleaf,  more...
Stillingia spinulosa image
Charles Webber  

Plant: Annual or perennial herb < 10 dm, monoecious; sap clear or milky; stems erect

Leaves: alternate, simple; blade generally 2-4 cm, 5-12 mm wide, elliptic to ovate, margin sharply toothed; stipules minute, petioled; blade base generally with 2 glands

INFLORESCENCE: 1-2 cm; spike, axillary or terminal; bracts glandular; glands of pistillate bracts stalked, ± 2 mm

Flowers: Staminate flower: calyx 2-lobed; petals 0, stamens 2; nectary disk 0; Pistillate flowers 1-2 per inflorescence, ± open; ovary 3-chambered, styles 3-3.5 mm, free, fused below, lobes 0

Fruit: capsule, 4-5 mm, generally 3-lobed, separating into 3 1-seeded segments; central axis persistent; Seed 3-3.5 mm, striate, minutely roughened, pointed; scar not appendaged

Misc: Sandy soils, dunes, creosote-bush scrub; < 900 m; Mar-May

Stillingia spinulosa image
Charles Webber  
Stillingia spinulosa image
J. E.(Jed) and Bonnie McClellan  
Stillingia spinulosa image
Charles Webber  
Stillingia spinulosa image
Charles Webber  
Stillingia spinulosa image
Charles Webber  
Stillingia spinulosa image
J. E.(Jed) and Bonnie McClellan  
Stillingia spinulosa image
J. E.(Jed) and Bonnie McClellan  
Stillingia spinulosa image
Stillingia spinulosa image
Stillingia spinulosa image