Ceanothus martinii M.E. Jones
Family: Rhamnaceae
Martin's ceanothus,  more...
not available

PLANT: Shrubs to 1 m tall.

STEMS: widely spreading, pubescent, green-brown to gray.

LEAVES: deciduous, alternate; petioles 1-3 mm long; blades oval to elliptic or obovate, 1-2.5 cm long, 0.5-1.9 wide, palmately 3-veined, bright green above and below, mostly glabrous, pubescent along veins; margins entire.

INFLORESCENCE: of axillary clusters, 3-10 flowers per cluster.

FLOWERS: white.

FRUITS: 3-5 mm wide.

NOTES: Open coniferous forest: Coconino, Mohave cos.; 1600-3100 m (5200-10000 ft); Apr-Sep; WY, UT, CO, NV.

REFERENCES: Kyle Christie, Michael Currie, Laura Smith Davis, Mar-Elise Hill, Suzanne Neal, and Tina Ayers, 2006 Vascular Plants of Arizona: Rhamnaceae. CANOTIA 2(1): 23-46.