Abutilon palmeri A. Gray
Family: Malvaceae
Palmer's Indian mallow,  more...
Abutilon palmeri image
Curtis Clark  

Plant: shrub; to 1.5(-2) m tall, the stems stellate pubescent and sometimes also with simple hairs 1-2 mm long

Leaves: broadly ovate (often nearly as broad as long), dentate, softly tomentose

INFLORESCENCE: flower solitary in the leaf axis or forming leafless terminal panicles

Flowers: calyx 9-15 mm long (accrescent to 20 mm in fruit); petals 2-2.5 cm long; staminal column 4 mm long, glabrous; styles ca. 10, apically acute or apiculate

Fruit: a schizocarp; SEEDS ca. 3 mm long, minutely pubescent

Misc: Well-drained rocky slopes; 300-900 m (1000-3000 ft), down to sea level in Mexico; Oct-Apr

REFERENCES: Fryxell, Paul A. 1994. Malvaceae. J. Ariz. - Nev. Acad. Sci. Volume 27(2), 222-236.

Common Name: Palmer's Indian mallow

Duration: Perennial

Nativity: Native

Lifeform: Shrub

Synonyms: Abutilon macdougalii, Abutilon aurantiacum