Gaillardia aristata Pursh
Family: Asteraceae
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[Gaillardia hallii ]
Gaillardia aristata image

Perennials (sometimes flowering first year), 20-80 cm. Leaves basal and cauline or cauline; petiolar bases 5-15 cm; blades oblanceolate to lanceolate, 5-15 cm × 5-30(-40) mm, margins raggedly pinnately lobed to toothed or entire, faces scabrellous and/or sparsely to densely villous (hairs jointed). Peduncles (5-)20-35+ cm. Phyllaries 24-40+ ovate to lance-attenuate, 10-15+ mm, ciliate with jointed hairs (also strigose and gland-dotted). Receptacular setae 2-6 mm. Ray florets (6-)12-18+; corollas yellow or yellow/purple, rarely tubular and 5-lobed, usually distally laminate and 3-lobed, 15-35+ mm. Disc florets 60-120+; corollas usually purple or purple-tipped, sometimes yellow, tubes 0.5-1.5 mm, throats cylindric to urceolate, 4.5-5.5 mm, lobes lance-ovate to triangular-attenuate, 1-2 mm, jointed hairs 0.3+ mm. Cypselae clavate (outer) to obpyramidal (inner), 2.5-6 mm, hairs 1.5-2.5 mm, inserted at bases; pappi of 8 ovate to lanceolate, aristate scales 5-6 mm (scarious bases 1.5-3 × 0.4-1.5 mm). 2n = 34, 68.

Flowering May-Sep. Open places, usually among aspens or pines, or with sagebrush, often dry, sandy benches or bars; 200-2900 m; Alta., B.C., Man., N.W.T., Sask., Yukon; Colo., Conn., Idaho, Mass., Minn., Mont., N.H., N.Dak., Oreg., S.Dak., Utah, Wash., Wyo.

Hairy perennial 2-7 dm from a slender taproot, also spreading by slender creeping roots; lvs narrow, linear-oblong to lance-ovate, or the lower oblanceolate, to 15 נ2.5 cm, entire to somewhat pinnatifid; heads solitary or few, long-pedunculate, the disk 1.5-3 cm wide, purple or brownish-purple (yellow); rays 6-16, yellow, usually purplish at base, 1-3.5 cm; setae of the receptacle evidently exceeding the achenes; style-appendages elongate; 2n=36, 72. Plains, meadows, and other open places; B.C. to Sask. and Minn., s. to Ariz. and N.M., and occasionally intr. or escaped eastward. May-Sept.

Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.

©The New York Botanical Garden. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Gaillardia aristata image
Gaillardia aristata image
Gaillardia aristata image
Gaillardia aristata image
Gaillardia aristata image
Gaillardia aristata image
Gaillardia aristata image
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Gaillardia aristata image
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Gaillardia aristata image
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Gaillardia aristata image
Barry Breckling