Allenrolfea Kuntze
Family: Amaranthaceae
Allenrolfea image
L.R. Landrum  

Shrubs, glabrous. Stems erect or decumbent, much-branched, not armed, succulent; branches articulated into small joints. Leaves alternate, ascending, sessile, reduced to scales; blade broadly triangular, base clasping, margins entire, apex acute. Inflorescences terminal spikes, flowers spirally arranged in 3s or 5s in axils of deciduous, peltate, fleshy bracts. Flowers bisexual, sessile; perianth 4-5-lobed , angled, truncate distally, unchanged in fruit; stamens 1-2, exserted; stigmas 2(-3), usually distinct. Fruits utricles, ovoid, compressed; pericarp free, membranous. Seeds erect, brown or reddish brown, oblong, smooth; embryo partly enclosing copious perisperm, radicle inferior. x = 9.

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Image of Allenrolfea occidentalis
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