Agave chiapensis Hort.Belg. ex Jacobi
Family: Asparagaceae
Agave chiapensis image
Stan Shebs  

It is a medium-sized agave, with spreading rosettes of light green leaves that are variable but tend toward the ovate. The teeth of the leaf margins are deltoid and may be found either small (3-4 mm) and closely spaced, or larger (5-10 mm) and further apart. The strong terminal spine of the leaf is 2-3.5 cm in length. The flower spike typically reaches 2 meters in height, with the flowers spread along the upper 1/3 to 1/4 of its length. The flowers are 60-70 mm long, yellow or green in color but flushed with red or purple shading, as well as the bractlets, giving an overall darker appearance. The filaments are also dark and at 70-80 mm extend far out of the flower, with 30-mm anthers on the ends.

Common Name: Unknown

Duration: Unknown

Nativity: Unknown

Lifeform: Succulent

Synonyms: None