Rudbeckia fulgida Aiton
Family: Asteraceae
Orange Coneflower
Rudbeckia fulgida image
Tracey Slotta  

Perennials, to 120 cm (stoloniferous, rosettes forming at stolon apices). Stems glabrous or moderately hirsute (branches spreading). Leaves: blades lanceolate to broadly ovate or elliptic (not lobed), herbaceous, bases attenuate to cordate, margins usually entire or serrate, sometimes lacerate, apices acute, faces glabrous or hirsute to strigose; basal petiolate, 5-30 × 1-8 cm; cauline petiolate, 2-25 × 0.5-7 cm, bases attenuate to cordate or auriculate. Heads borne singly or (2-7) in corymbiform arrays. Phyllaries to 2 cm. Receptacles hemispheric to ovoid; paleae 2.5-4 mm, (apical margins usually ciliate) apices obtuse to acute, abaxial tips usually glabrous. Ray florets 10-15; laminae elliptic to oblanceolate, 15-25 × 3-6 mm, abaxially strigose. Discs 12-16 × 10-18 mm. Disc florets 50-500+; corollas proximally yellowish green, brown-purple distally, 3-4.2 mm; style branches ca. 1.3 mm, apices rounded. Cypselae 2.2-4 mm; pappi coroniform, to 0.2 mm.

Perennial 3-10 dm, commonly stoloniferous, sparsely to moderately hairy, seldom densely hirsute; lower lvs lanceolate to cordate, long-petiolate, the others similar or gradually reduced, short-petiolate or sessile; heads commonly long-pedunculate, the hemispheric or ovoid disk dark purple or brown, 10-18 mm wide; rays 8-21, yellow to orange; receptacular bracts obtuse or acute, smooth or ±ciliolate-margined, rarely with a few appressed hairs on the back; pappus an inconspicuous low crown; 2n=38, 76. Chiefly in woods or moist places; Pa. to Mich., Ill., and s. Mo., s. to Fla. and Tex., and occasionally adventive elsewhere, as in Conn. July-Oct. Three morphologically and geographically overlapping regional vars. that seem sharply distinct at some points of contact:

Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.

©The New York Botanical Garden. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Rudbeckia fulgida image
Tracey Slotta  
Rudbeckia fulgida image
John Hilty  
Rudbeckia fulgida image
John Hilty  
Rudbeckia fulgida image
John Hilty  
Rudbeckia fulgida image
Rudbeckia fulgida image
Rudbeckia fulgida image
Rudbeckia fulgida image
USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database / Britton, N.L., and A. Brown. 1913. An illustrated flora of the northern   
Rudbeckia fulgida image
Tracey Slotta @ USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database