Parryella Torr. & A. Gray ex A. Gray
Family: Fabaceae
Parryella image

PLANT : Slender, erect, pliant shrubs with a citrus aroma.

STEMS : broom-like, unarmed, reddish or purplish brown, becoming whitish gray in age, with raised prickle-shaped glands, glabrate to sparsely strigose.

LEAVES : alternate, deciduous, odd-pinnate, with 11-43 pairs of leaflets, these narrowly linear to narrowly obovate, acute, concavely folded, stipellate, glandular-punctate, glabrate to sparsely strigose; stipules minute, deciduous.

INFLORESCENCE : a terminal, many-flowered, spikelike raceme, bracts inconspicuous.

FLOWERS : yellowish, apetalous; calyx turbinate or campanulate, the tube obscurely ribbed near base and bearing sparse orangebrown glands, with 5 broad, short teeth, these with fine short hairs on the margins; stamens 10, with filaments yellowish, distinct or nearly so, unequal, the longest exserted 2.0-3.5 mm from the calyx at anthesis; anthers yellowish; ovary 2-ovuled.

FRUIT : a one seeded, indehiscent pod, exserted from the calyx, obliquely oblongobovoid, glabrous, conspicuously reddish-brown gland-dotted, beaked by a persistent style.

NOTES : Monotypic genus of the Colorado Plateau and upper Rio Grande Valley. (for C. C. Parry). Barneby, Rupert C. 1989. Parryella pp. 28-29 in Intermountain Flora, Vol. 3, Part B. Bronx, NY; New York Bot. Gard.

REFERENCES : Rhodes, Suzanne, June Beasley and Tina Ayers. 2011. Fabaceae. CANOTIA 7: 1-13.

Image of Parryella filifolia
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