Kelloggia Torr. ex Benth.
Family: Rubiaceae
Kelloggia image

PLANTS: Slender perennial herbs.

LEAVES: opposite with interposed stipules.

FLOWERS: 4-5-merous, in loose forking terminal cymes; corolla funnelform; ovary 2-loculed, each locule with 1 ovule.

FRUIT: splitting at maturity into 2 closed mericarps.

NOTES: 2 spp. w N. Amer. and China. (for Albert Kellogg).

REFERENCES: Terrell, Edward E. 1995 Rubiaceae. Houstonia. J. Ariz. - Nev. Acad. Sci. 29(l): 36.

Image of Kelloggia galioides
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