Juncus orthophyllus Coville
Family: Juncaceae
Straight-Leaf Rush
[Juncus latifolius ,  more...]
Juncus orthophyllus image

Herbs, perennial, 2--4 dm. Rhizomes creeping. Culms compressed. Leaves: basal several, cauline 0--3; auricles, if present, 0.5--1 mm, apex acutish; blade flat, basal 10--40 cm x 1--6 mm, cauline blade reduced. Inflorescences glomerules, usually 3--12, each with 5--10 flowers, open; primary bract much shorter than inflorescence. Flowers: tepals brown, lanceolate, 5--6 mm, apex obtuse; outer series shorter, margins scarious, apex acute, minutely papillose; inner series with margins clear; stamens 6, filaments 0.5--1 mm, anthers 1.6--2.4(--3) mm; style 0.5--2 mm. Capsules tan, 3-locular, obovoid, 3--5 mm, shorter than perianth. Seeds ovoid, 0.6 mm, not tailed.

Flowering and fruiting late spring to summer. Moist ground in mountain meadows; 1200--3500 m; B.C.; Calif., Idaho, Mont., Nev., Oreg., Wash.

Juncus orthophyllus image
Juncus orthophyllus image
Keir Morse  
Juncus orthophyllus image
Keir Morse  
Juncus orthophyllus image
Keir Morse  
Juncus orthophyllus image
Keir Morse  
Juncus orthophyllus image
Keir Morse  
Juncus orthophyllus image
Keir Morse