Ranunculus alismifolius Geyer ex Benth.
Family: Ranunculaceae
Water-Plantain Buttercup
Ranunculus alismifolius image

Stems erect or ascending, not rooting nodally, glabrous or hirsute. Roots slender or fusiform-thickened basally, glabrous. Leaves: basal leaf blades with base acute; proximal cauline leaf blades lanceolate, ovate, or elliptic, 1.8-14.1 × 0.7-2.9 cm, base acuminate to rounded, margins entire or serrulate, apex obtuse to acuminate. Inflorescences: bracts lanceolate. Flowers: receptacle glabrous; sepals 5, spreading or reflexed from base, 2-6 × 1-4 mm, glabrous or hirsute; petals 5-12, 5-14 × 2-8 mm; nectary scales glabrous. Heads of achenes hemispheric to globose, 3-7 × 4-8 mm; achenes 1.6-2.8 × 1.2-2 mm, glabrous or rarely hispid; beak lance-subulate, straight or weakly curved, 0.4-1.2 mm.