Armeria maritima (Mill.) Willd.
Family: Plumbaginaceae
Sea Thrift
[Armeria armeria ]
Armeria maritima image
Ken-ichi Ueda  

Rootstock erect. Leaf blades 1-15 cm × 0.5-3 mm, base 1- or ± 3-veined, faces glabrous or hairy. Scapes erect, 2-60 cm, glabrous or hairy. Inflorescences: invo-lucral sheath 5-32 mm; outermost involucral bract ovate to triangular-lanceolate, 4-14 mm, shorter than, equaling, or exceeding head, mucronate or not; heads 13-28 mm diam. Flowers monomorphic, with all stigmas papillate and pollen reticulate, or dimorphic, with papillate stigmas and finely reticulate pollen or smooth stigmas and coarsely reticulate pollen; calyx tube hairy on and between ribs (holotrichous), on ribs only (pleurotrichous), or glabrous (atrichous); teeth triangular to shallowly triangular, awned or not; corolla pink to white; petals showy and exceeding calyx or reduced and included in calyx. 2n = 18.

Armeria maritima image
Ken-ichi Ueda  
Armeria maritima image
Bas Kers  
Armeria maritima image
Bas Kers  
Armeria maritima image
Arthur Chapman  
Armeria maritima image
Arthur Chapman  
Armeria maritima image
Marguerite Gregory  
Armeria maritima image
Armeria maritima image
Armeria maritima image