Pterostegia Fisch. & C.A. Mey.
Family: Polygonaceae
Pterostegia image
Keir Morse  

Herbs, annual; taproot slender. Stems arising directly from the root, sprawling and spreading, solid, not fistulose or disarticulating into ringlike segments, thinly pubescent. Leaves persistent, cauline, opposite; petiole present; blade broadly elliptic to fan-shaped, margins entire or lobed. Inflorescences terminal, cymose, uniparous due to suppression of secondaries distally; branches dichotomous, not brittle or disarticulating into segments, round, thinly pubescent; bracts absent. Peduncles absent. Involucral bracts 1, erect, 2-winged, reticulately veined, lobed or notched, slightly gibbous with age, invaginated adaxial surface hyaline. Flowers 2-3 per involucral cluster; perianth pale yellow to pink or rose, campanulate when open, urceolate when closed, sparsely pubescent abaxially; tepals (5-)6, connate for ca. 3 their length, monomorphic, entire apically; stamens 6; filaments adnate to perianth, glabrous; anthers yellow, oval. Achenes included, yellowish brown to brown, winged, globose, glabrous. Seeds: embryo straight. x = 14.

Image of Pterostegia drymarioides
Map not