Epilobium hornemannii Reichenb.
Family: Onagraceae
Hornemann's Willowherb,  more...
[Epilobium origanifolium ]
Epilobium hornemannii image

Much like no. 11 [Epilobium alpinum L.], but coarser and more nearly erect, to 4(5) dm, the stem usually not sigmoid, the lvs 1.5-4.5 cm, entire or often toothed, the erect frs 3.5-5.5(-7.5) cm, slender, often only ca 1 mm thick, or to 1.5 mm; 2n=36. Streambanks and other wet places, with us at upper elev. in the mts.; circumboreal, s. to Me., n. N.H., n. N.Y., and the Rocky Mts. June-Aug. Two ecogeographically coextensive vars. Var. hornemannii has anthocyanic pet 5-8 mm; var. lactiflorum (Hausskn.) D. L