Cucurbita palmata S. Wats. (redirected from: Cucurbita californica)
Family: Cucurbitaceae
[Cucurbita californica Torr. ex S. Wats.]
Cucurbita palmata image
Glenn and Martha Vargas  
Wiggins 1964, Hodgson 2001

Duration: Perennial

Nativity: Native

Lifeform: Vine

General: Grayish green, perennial, prostrate vine with deep fusiform root; stems strongly ribbed, rather densely pilose with small rough projections on angles in age; tendrils nonpetiolate, mostly 3-branched, retrorsely hispid, gland tipped, small, weak.

Leaves: Blades palmately cleft to middle or deeper, 3-9 cm long and about as wide or slightly narrower, conically appressed-hispid above, densely so along veins, appressed hispid below and with small rough projections, lobes lanceolate, acuminate or acute, occasionally irregularly sublobed; petioles on mature leaves equaling or exceeding blades.

Flowers: Staminate flowers 5-7 cm long, pubescent on peduncles 3-5 cm long; calyx narrowly campanulate, tube 3-3.5 cm long, lobes 4-6 mm long, subulate; pubescent ovary.

Fruits: Pepo depressed globose, dull light green and mottled, narrowly and faintly 10-striped.

Ecology: Found in sandy soils and on rocky slopes below 3,000 ft (914 m); flowers April-September.

Notes: Similar to C. digitata, but the lobes of the leaves are more stout in C. palmata. Similarly foul smelling oils.

Ethnobotany: Some indications that the seeds were either eaten or used for oil historically, some references suggest they were boiled or roasted and then pounded to a mush, pulp, or a meal.

Etymology: Cucurbita is the Latin name for gourd, while palmata means palmate, in reference to the leaves.

Synonyms: Cucurbita californica

Editor: SBuckley, 2010

Cucurbita palmata image
Glenn and Martha Vargas  
Cucurbita palmata image
Glenn and Martha Vargas  
Cucurbita palmata image
Glenn and Martha Vargas  
Cucurbita palmata image
Charles Webber  
Cucurbita palmata image
Charles Webber  
Cucurbita palmata image
Lorraine Elrod  
Cucurbita palmata image
J. E.(Jed) and Bonnie McClellan  
Cucurbita palmata image
Brent Miller