Family: Araceae
Calla image

Herbs, wetland. Rhizomes horizontal. Leaves appearing before flowers, several, emergent, arising along rhizome, also clustered terminally; petiole 1.5--2 or more times as long as blade; blade bright green, simple, not peltate, ovate to nearly round, base cordate, apex short-acuminate to apiculate; lateral veins parallel. Inflorescences: peduncle erect, as long as or longer than petiole, apex not swollen; spathe white, often green or partially green abaxially, not enclosing spadix; spadix cylindric. Flowers all bisexual or distal ones staminate; perianth absent. Fruits not embedded in spadix, red. Seeds 4--9(--11), embedded in mucilage. x = 18.

Numerous cytogenetic studies have been conducted on Calla with both diploid (2n = 36) and apparently tetraploid (2n = 72) populations reported (see G. Petersen 1989). All counts from North American populations counted have a somatic number of 36 chromosomes.

Fls all perfect, or the upper staminate, covering the spadix; spathe expanded, not enclosing the spadix, ovate to elliptic; perianth none; stamens 6; filaments narrow, flat; anthers short and broad; ovary unilocular, with several erect anatropous ovules; fr a red berry, the few seeds surrounded by gelatinous material; perennial herbs with petioled basal lvs and solitary spathes. Monotypic.

Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.

©The New York Botanical Garden. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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Image of Calla palustris
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