Tiquilia nuttallii (Hook.) A. Richards. (redirected from: Coldenia nuttallii)
Family: Boraginaceae
[Coldenia nuttallii Hook.]
Tiquilia nuttallii image

Plant: Annual; stem: branches opposite; hairs ± appressed

Leaves: cauline, alternate, clustered; hairs ± spreading; blade 3.5-9 mm, ovate to round, margin entire, veins 2-3 pairs, shallowly sunken, ± 30 degrees from midvein

INFLORESCENCE: ± axillary; flowers clustered, bracted, sessile

Flowers: calyx 3-5 mm, ± deeply 5-lobed, not enlarging in fruit; free 2/3-3/4 length, hairs within short; corolla 3-4 mm, 2-2.5 mm wide, pink to white; style < calyx, branches 2, branched 1/3-1/2 from tip; appendages 0

Fruit: nutlets 1-4, sometimes ± tubercled, deeply 4-lobed; Seed oblong-ovoid, smooth, shiny

Misc: Sandy plains, washes, slopes, saline flats; < 2400 m.; May-Aug