Tiquilia plicata (Torr.) A. Richards. (redirected from: Coldenia plicata)
Family: Boraginaceae
[Coldenia plicata (Torr.) Coville,  more...]
Tiquilia plicata image

Plant: Perennial, ± woody; rhizome present; stem: branches opposite, ± glandular

Leaves: cauline, alternate, clustered, white-canescent; blade 3-12 mm, obovate to widely ovate, margin entire, veins 4-7 pairs, deeply sunken

INFLORESCENCE: ± axillary; flowers clustered, sessile; bracts 0

Flowers: calyx ± deeply 5-lobed, not enlarging in fruit, 2-3 mm, free ± total length, hairs within long; corolla 4-6 mm, 2-3 mm wide, 5-lobed, generally ± funnel-shaped, blue to lavender, appendages 0; style > calyx, style branches 2, branched 1/2-4/5 from tip

Fruit: nutlets 1-4, sometimes ± tubercled, deeply 4-lobed; Seed ovoid, smooth, shiny

Misc: Dune sand, sandy gravel flats; < 900 m.; Apr-Jun

Notes: calyx with long-villious hairs on inner side

References: Arizona Flora, Kearny and Peebles.