Penstemon grandiflorus Nutt. (redirected from: Penstemon bradburii)
Family: Plantaginaceae
[Penstemon bradburii Pursh]
Penstemon grandiflorus image
John Hilty  

Biennial or short-lived perennial, glabrous and glaucous throughout, to 2 m; lvs entire, the lower obovate-oblong, 2-4 cm wide, the upper progressively shorter but scarcely narrower, becoming broadly ovate to rotund, subcordate and somewhat clasping; bracteal lvs similar but smaller; fls 2-4 per axil, short-pediceled in a racemiform infl 1.5-3 dm; cal at anthesis 7-11 mm; cor 3.5-5 cm, pale purple outside, glabrous inside and out, widely dilated; fr 1.5-2 cm; seeds 2.5-4 mm; 2n=16. Dry prairies and barrens; Wis. to N.D. and Wyo., s. to Ill., nw. Mo., and Tex. May, June. (P. bradburyi)

Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.

©The New York Botanical Garden. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Penstemon grandiflorus image
John Hilty  
Penstemon grandiflorus image
Penstemon grandiflorus image
Penstemon grandiflorus image
John Hilty  
Penstemon grandiflorus image
Steve Hurst  
Penstemon grandiflorus image
Andy Kraemer  
Penstemon grandiflorus image
Peter Gorman