Houstonia greenei (A. Gray) Terrell (redirected from: Oldenlandia greenei)
Family: Rubiaceae
[Hedyotis greenei (A. Gray) W.H. Lewis,  more...]
Houstonia greenei image

Plant: annual herb; STEMS 3-16 cm tall, slender

Leaves: narrowly oblanceolate, narrowly elliptic, or linear, 5-32 mm long, 0.5-5.0 mm wide

Flowers: heterostylous, earliest ones sessile, later ones on erect pedicels to ca. 16 mm long; corollas 2-3 mm long, funnelform or subsalverform, white

Fruit: FRUITS 2-4 mm long and wide, 3/4-9/10 inferior, thin-walled, sessile or on erect pedicels ca. 16 mm long; SEEDS 0.5-0.8 mm long, obtusely 3-angled

Misc: Outcrops, rocky slopes, in pine-oak, oak-juniper; 1500-2450 m (5000-8000 ft); Aug-Sep

REFERENCES: Terrell, Edward E. 1995 Rubiaceae. Hedyotis. J. Ariz. - Nev. Acad. Sci. 29(l): 29.

Dempster 1995, Kearney and Peebles 1969

Duration: Annual

Nativity: Native

Lifeform: Forb/Herb

General: Small herbaceous annual with slender stems, erect and diffusely branching.

Leaves: Narrowly oblanceolate, lanceolate, or linear, opposite.

Flowers: Small, white or pale blue with a yellow center, trumpet-shaped with a narrow throat, the corolla with 4 lanceolate lobes, borne in terminal cymes or solitary in the axils, the 4 calyx teeth awl-shaped.

Fruits: Capsules rounded, quadrangular, born sessile or on short pedicels. Seeds obtusely 3-angled.

Ecology: Found in rich soils in woodlands, outcrops, rocky slopes, and pine-oak or oak-juniper comunities, from 5,000-8,000 ft (1524-2438 m); flowering August-September.

Notes: Look for this species under Houstonia greenei, or Oldenlandia greenei.

Synonyms: None

Editor: LCrumbacher, 2011