Anthriscus caucalis M. Bieb. (redirected from: Anthriscus scandicina)
Family: Apiaceae
[Anthriscus neglecta var. scandix (Scop.) Hyl.,  more...]
Anthriscus caucalis image

Branching annual to 1 m; lvs sparsely hispidulous, pinnately dissected, the ultimate segments 3-8 mm; umbels lf-opposed, lax, with 3-5 rays 1-2 cm; bractlets lance-ovate, aristate, 2-3 mm; pedicels elongating and becoming thicker than the rays in fr; fr ovoid, 3-4 mm, the body covered with short, thick, uncinate prickles, the short stout beak unarmed; 2n=14. Native of Europe, intr. here and there in the U.S. June, July. (A. scandicina)

Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.

©The New York Botanical Garden. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Anthriscus caucalis image
Anthriscus caucalis image
Anthriscus caucalis image
Anthriscus caucalis image
Anthriscus caucalis image
Anthriscus caucalis image
Anthriscus caucalis image
Charles Webber  
Anthriscus caucalis image
Keir Morse