Mirabilis alipes (S.Watson) Pilz (redirected from: Hermidium alipes var. pallidum)
Family: Nyctaginaceae
[Hermidium alipes S.Watson,  more...]
Mirabilis alipes image
Gerald and Buff Corsi  

Herbs, forming hemispheric clumps 6-8 dm diam., glabrous or very sparsely puberulent. Stems 2-4 dm. Leaves spreading; petioles of proximal leaves 0.5-0.7 cm; blades of midstem leaves ovate to widely ovate, 4.5-9 × 3.5-5 cm, base obtuse to rounded, often oblique, apex obtuse, rarely acute. Involucres: peduncle 3-10 mm; involucres erect to pendent, 11-30 mm; bracts 6-9, distinct or to 50% connate, apex acute to obtuse, rarely rounded. Flowers 6-9 per involucre; perianth usually magenta, occasionally creamy white, bell-shaped, 1.5-1.8 cm. Fruits mottled olive green, with 10 slender, tan ribs, ellipsoid, 5.5-7 mm, rugulose, glabrous, secreting thick, heavy mucilage when wetted.

Flowering spring-late summer. Gravelly or sandy soils in arid brushlands or pinyon-juniper woodlands; 1200-2000 m; Calif., Colo., Nev., Utah.

Hermidium was once maintained as a genus based on discrete involucral bracts. As discussed by G. E. Pilz (1978), distinct bracts are typical, but involucres with the five outermost bracts united to one-half their length are common.

Mirabilis alipes image
Gerald and Buff Corsi  
Mirabilis alipes image
Gary A. Monroe  
Mirabilis alipes image
Gary A. Monroe  
Mirabilis alipes image
Gary A. Monroe  
Mirabilis alipes image
Gary A. Monroe  
Mirabilis alipes image
Gary A. Monroe  
Mirabilis alipes image
Gary A. Monroe  
Mirabilis alipes image