Acer spicatum Lam.
Family: Sapindaceae
Mountain Maple
Acer spicatum image

Tall shrub or clumped small tree to 10 m; winter-buds with 2-4 valvate scales; lvs 3-lobed or obscurely 5-lobed, softly hairy beneath, coarsely and irregularly serrate, the teeth 2-3 per cm, each tipped with a minute sharp gland; fls in fascicles of 2-4 along an erect axis, forming a slender, terminal, long-peduncled panicle 3-8 cm, long-pediceled, the terminal one of each fascicle usually perfect, the others sterile; pet greenish, very narrowly linear-oblanceolate, 3 mm, much exceeding the sep; disk extrastaminal; style barely notched; mericarps 1.8-2.5 cm, conspicuously reticulate over the seed, the wings diverging at about a right angle; 2n=26. Moist woods; Nf. to Sask., s. to Conn., Pa., O. and ne. Io., and in the mts. to N.C. and Tenn. June.

Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.

©The New York Botanical Garden. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Acer spicatum image
Acer spicatum image
Steven J. Baskauf  
Acer spicatum image
Steven J. Baskauf  
Acer spicatum image
Steven J. Baskauf  
Acer spicatum image
Steven J. Baskauf  
Acer spicatum image
Steven J. Baskauf  
Acer spicatum image
Steven J. Baskauf  
Acer spicatum image
Steven J. Baskauf  
Acer spicatum image
Steven J. Baskauf  
Acer spicatum image
Eli Sagor