Allium fimbriatum var. purdyi (Eastw.) Ownbey & Aase (redirected from: Allium purdyi)
Family: Amaryllidaceae
[Allium fimbriatum subsp. purdyi (Eastw.) Traub & Ownbey,  more...]
not available

Scape 10-35 cm × 1.5-3.5 mm. Umbel 20-75-flowered. Flowers: tepals white to pale lavender with darker midvein, apex not spreading or recurved at tip; ovarian crest process margins denticulate to laciniate (crests rarely absent). 2n = 14.

Flowering late Apr--Jun. Serpentine clay; 300--600 m; Calif.

Allium fimbriatum var. purdyi is known only from the vicinity of Clear Lake.