Ambrosia hispida Pursh
Family: Asteraceae
Coastal Ragweed
not available

Perennials, 10-50(-80+) cm. Stems prostrate or decumbent. Leaves mostly opposite; petioles 5-25 mm; blades rounded-deltate to ovate or elliptic, 20-35+ × 10-30+ mm, 2-3-pinnately lobed, bases cuneate, ultimate margins entire or toothed, abaxial and adaxial faces strigillose. Pistillate heads clustered, proximal to staminates; florets 1. Staminate heads: peduncles 1-2 mm; involucres obliquely cup-shaped, 2-3+ mm diam., strigillose; florets 5-20+. Burs: bodies ± pyriform, 1-2 mm, ± strigillose, spines or tubercles 0-5+, near middles or distal, stoutly conic, 0.1-0.5+ mm, tips straight. 2n = 104.

Flowering Apr. Sandy beaches or strand; 0-10 m; Fla.; West Indies (Bahamas); Central America.