Arctostaphylos stanfordiana Parry
Family: Ericaceae
Stanford's Manzanita
Arctostaphylos stanfordiana image
Charles Webber  

Shrubs, erect or prostrate to decumbent, mat- or mound-forming, 0.1-3 m; burl absent; twigs usually glabrous, sometimes sparsely short-hairy, hairs sometimes glandular. Leaves: petiole 4-12 mm; blade bright green, shiny or slightly glaucous, elliptic, oblong, or oblanceolate, 3-5 × 1.5-2.5 cm, base cuneate, (not clasping), margins entire, plane, surfaces smooth, glabrous or, rarely, finely glandular-puberulent. Inflorescences panicles, 3-5-branched; immature inflorescence ascendent, branches wide-spreading, often ascending to erect, axis 2-2.5 cm, to 1 mm diam., usually glabrous, sparsely hairy, or sometimes sparsely glandular-hairy; bracts tightly appressed, scalelike, ovate to deltate, 1-1.5 mm (± equaling buds), apex acuminate, surfaces usually sparsely hairy or sometimes sparsely glandular-hairy; (buds scattered along inflorescence axis, round, appearing as 'beads'). Pedicels 5-10 mm, glabrous. Flowers: corolla white to pink, urceolate; ovary glabrous. Fruits subglobose, 6-8 mm diam., glabrous. Stones distinct.

Arctostaphylos stanfordiana image
Charles Webber  
Arctostaphylos stanfordiana image
Charles Webber  
Arctostaphylos stanfordiana image
Charles Webber  
Arctostaphylos stanfordiana image
Charles Webber  
Arctostaphylos stanfordiana image
Charles Webber  
Arctostaphylos stanfordiana image
Charles Webber  
Arctostaphylos stanfordiana image
Jorg and Mimi Fleige  
Arctostaphylos stanfordiana image
Zoya Akulova  
Arctostaphylos stanfordiana image
Zoya Akulova  
Arctostaphylos stanfordiana image
Zoya Akulova