Hexastylis lewisii (Fernald) Blomquist & Oosting (redirected from: Asarum lewisii)
Family: Aristolochiaceae
[Asarum lewisii Fernald,  more...]
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Rhizomes dimorphic: internodes of flowering rhizomes short, leaves crowded at rhizome apex; internodes of sterile rhizomes often long, leaves scattered along length of rhizome. Leaf blade variegate, triangular-cordate, cordate, or orbiculate-cordate. Flowers: calyx tube cylindric-campanulate to urceolate-campanulate, sometimes with prominent transverse ridge just above middle, 14-20 × 16-22 mm, inner surface longitudinally ridged, without reticulations, lobes spreading, 8-15 × 10-15 mm, adaxially pilose; stamen connective extending beyond pollen sacs; ovary superior; ovules 10 per locule; style notched at apex. 2 n = 26.

Flowering spring (Apr-May). Upland and lowland (floodplain) forests; sometimes found along shores of Carolina bays; 0-200 m; N.C., Va.

Hexastylis lewisii resembles H . shuttleworthii in its calyx shape, the presence of elongate rhizomes, and the late flowering time.