Phacelia parryi Torr. (redirected from: Phacelia parryi var. celata)
Family: Hydrophyllaceae
[Phacelia parryi var. celata Jepson & Hoover ex Jepson]
Phacelia parryi image
J. E.(Jed) and Bonnie McClellan  

Plant: Annual 10-70 cm; stem erect, 0-few-branched, glandular-puberulent, stiff-hairy

Leaves: alternate, 10-120 mm; blade < or = petiole, oblong to ovate, irregularly toothed

INFLORESCENCE: cyme, generally dense, coiled, generally 1-sided; pedicels generally short

Flowers: pedicel 10-20 mm; calyx lobes 4-6 mm, 6-8 mm in fruit, ± linear, sparsely hairy, ± glandular; corolla 10-20 mm, rotate to widely bell-shaped, tube and lower throat white to light violet, limb violet to purple, deciduous, scales fused to filament base, square; stamens 10-20 mm, long-hairy; style 10-20 mm, short-hairy

Fruit: capsule, 6-10 mm, ovoid, beaked, short-stiff-hairy, gland-dotted; Seeds 40-60, ± 1 mm, pitted, oblong to spheric, generally brownish

Misc: Open areas, burns, slopes, coastal-sage scrub, chaparral; < 2400 m.; Mar-Jun

Phacelia parryi image
J. E.(Jed) and Bonnie McClellan  
Phacelia parryi image
Cheri Miller  
Phacelia parryi image
Steven Thorsted  
Phacelia parryi image
Steven Thorsted  
Phacelia parryi image
Genevieve K. Walden  
Phacelia parryi image
Genevieve K. Walden  
Phacelia parryi image
Gary A. Monroe  
Phacelia parryi image
Gary A. Monroe  
Phacelia parryi image