Callirhoe bushii Fernald
Family: Malvaceae
Bush's Poppy-Mallow,  more...
[Callirhoe involucrata var. bushii (Fernald) R.F. Martin,  more...]
not available

Stems ±erect, 5-14 dm; herbage pubescent with mainly simple and spreading bristly hairs, varying to merely strigose or subglabrous; lvs suborbicular to ovate in outline, 5-7-cleft, with oblong or ovate, coarsely toothed segments; stipules ovate, 8-16+ mm; peduncles (pedicels) mainly axillary, to 15 cm, 1-fld; fls all perfect; bractlets lanceolate or ovate, 10-17 נ3-6 mm, the slender tips connivent in bud to form an evident beak; pet red or pale red, 20-32 mm, erose-denticulate across the top; mature carpels rugose-reticulate; 2n=56. Glades, rocky woods, and disturbed sites; Mo. and se. Kans. to n. Ark. and e. Okla., barely entering our range in Mo. May-Aug.

Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.

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