Calochortus nitidus Douglas
Family: Liliaceae
Broad-Fruit Mariposa-Lily
not available

Stems not branching, straight, 2-4 dm, proximal internodes elongate; bulblets rare. Leaves: basal usually persistent, 1-3 dm × 10-25 mm; blade flat, tapering toward both ends, becoming involute; cauline ca. halfway up stem. Inflorescences subumbellate, 1-4-flowered; bracts 2 or more, narrowly lanceolate to linear, long-attenuate, unequal, 2-10 cm. Flowers erect; perianth open, campanulate; sepals ovate to lanceolate, shorter than petals, glabrous, apex acuminate; petals lavender, with deep purple adaxial crescent distal to gland, obovate, cuneate, ± ciliate laterally, sparingly covered with long, flexuous hairs distal to gland; glands ± triangular-lunate, slightly depressed, bordered proximally by narrow, deeply fringed membrane, covered with short, thick hairs, hairs and membrane fringe densely covered with long papillae; filaments longer than anthers; anthers oblong, 6-10 mm, apex obtuse. Capsules erect, 3-winged, ellipsoid to nearly globular. Seeds light beige. 2n = 40.

Flowering summer. Low meadows along creeks; 700--900 m; Idaho, Oreg., Wash.